About Our Chapter

Kappa Epsilon Zeta Chapter was chartered in New York State in the borough of the Bronx on February 27, 1980. The twelve women who saw the vision and made Kappa Epsilon Zeta a reality are as follows:

Naomi Butler
Joyce Carr
Jessie Cooke
Nancy Evans
Nona Farrior
Beatrice Ferguson
Florine Hale
Lila Harrison
Genova Lawrence
Katherine Marsh
Cassandra White
Ethyl Williams


Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Kappa Epsilon Zeta Chapter is a private, non-profit organization whose mission is:

To be change agents in improving the conditions of the people of our community by consistently responding to their needs via partnerships with established organizations and creative, grass roots driven initiatives inspired by Zeta Phi Beta Sorority internationally and Kappa Epsilon Zeta Chapter locally;To encourage high scholastic achievement among residents of The Bronx, New York – with a special emphasis on youth and women; 

To present ourselves at all times as Finer Women – women who conduct themselves with the utmost professionalism and dignity at all times; who exude pride in their actions, speech and appearance.

As we carry out our mission, we will do so with Sisterly Love at the forefront, for ourselves, each other and our community, keeping a spirit of respect, courtesy, support, openness and honesty.